How to soundproof a semi-detached house?

First of all, we need to talk about the concept of semi-detached houses because apart from the people from the United Kingdom may not be aware of this concept. This concept is basically two houses built together and only detached due to a simple wall in between them. There are other kinds of detachments as well but most of the houses use a single wall method. In this way, both the houses don’t lose their value, you can still be linked to the people in the other house, and you have your privacy as well. The only issue is when families are living in a semi-detached house there could be a noise issue that needs to be sorted. Today we will talk about different solutions for this problem and how you can effectively eradicate it.

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Figuring Out the Source

Well before trying to soundproof your house you need to find out the source of the noise. It may be a gap, vent, door (read our article on how to quiet a sliding glass door), or window. You shouldn’t be thinking about the wall being the source of the noise in the first place until you have canceled all the other possible culprits. Once you are done with covering all the gaps and area still facing noise you will have to start strengthening the wall. There are many ways in which you can get the wall ready to not transfer the noise of one side to the other and we would like to explain each one of the steps in detail.

Add More Mass

mass rock wall

Observe the mass of the wall and make sure that it is thick enough according to the regular standards. There could be thin walls constructed in the semi-detached houses to increase the communication between people living in both parts. Your observation will provide you a chance to decide accurately which solution would be best for the situation. On the other hand, you will remain confused and will have to try all the available options until one works by luck.

Adding mass to the wall is a useful way of soundproofing your house. You can add multiple layers of soundproofing material on the wall or use sheetrock to increase the density of the wall separating the house into two parts. The added layer would definitely decrease the noise passing from one side to the other. The sound waves would have to cover more solid surfaces and if you are willing to improve the impact you can use a frame for the soundproofing material and link it with the wall. In this manner, you will be able to leave enough space for the air gap that would further enhance the impact of this solution.

Add a Drywall or a Layer of Wooden Studs

Now if the first solution is not working for you there is no need to worry because we have another solution as well. You can add wooden studs or proper drywall to the fence to increase its strength. You can use different kinds of clips for connecting the studs or the drywall. In this process, the clips are attached to the wall in a direct manner instead of the actual studs. These clips are extremely useful when it comes to decreasing the vibration as you can decrease the contact points as well.

First of all, you will have to decouple the studs properly and then add soundproofing material between the space. Once it’s done, now you need to install the studs properly you have to put insulation in between the space of the wall and make sure the insulation is of medium density. Once you have insulated the area you would have a much denser wall to defend against any kind of noise.

Choose Wall Damping

damp wall

Till now you would have realized that we need to work with the wall separating both the parts of the semi-detached house. In order to make it stronger, we can use damping material. The sound-damping material decreases the vibrations by damping the sound passing through it. It also reduces the strength of the sound and you can apply it after utilizing both the above methods to enhance the overall impact. Once the insulation is completed and you have also added the drywall. The next step is to add two more drywalls and add damping material in between them.

It is one of the most effective ways to soundproof a semi-detached house and it may be expensive but it would provide you long term results. You can even increase the strength of the wall by adding multiple layers of the damping material and resilient channels. The more layers you add the better result you would be able to get. Just keep in mind that it is quite impossible to achieve total soundproofing in a semi-detached house if you are not covering each window, door, room walls, and vents with soundproofing material.


Overall, there are a few choices when it comes to finding a certain solution for the semi-detached houses because they are only popular in a limited number of areas in the world. This is why we have to rely on the general solutions most of the time instead of being able to find specific solutions. The advantage of a specific solution over a general one is that there are increased chances of success. The thought process gone into the whole process is just related to a single issue covering all the aspects.

Keep in mind that we are just providing you mere suggestions and it is your right whether you want to trust these suggestions or not. We can only say that all of these are proven methods of getting the job done as described in the title of the blog. We will help you get rid of all the noise of the surroundings and you would easily be able to defeat this monster. IF you have any more questions about this tissue you can contact us today and we will provide you with detailed answers according to the best of our knowledge. You may also check on how to soundproof home office.