Why is Silence So Loud?

If you think that silence is loud, you’re not alone. Studies have shown that silence decreases our motivation, causes us to make more mistakes, and lowers our memory. The effects of noise on our cognitive processes are most profound in reading, problem solving, and attention. Silence is also common among men, a tactic to resolve a sense of fear that being verbally open to others will make us appear unmanly.

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Black noise

Black Noise is a multimedia performance that explores the complex relationship between sound and silence. It focuses on transformation, function, and the functionlessness of sound, as well as the power of sound as a form of artistic expression. In addition, the exhibition explores how the use of sound creates and elicits social references.

While it is possible to perceive the color of noise, we cannot detect the exact wavelength of noise. Instead, we hear multiple sound waves of various frequencies. It is impossible to measure the frequency amplitude of black noise.


In the Industrial Revolution and the Electric Revolution, our acoustic environment changed drastically. As a result, modern communication has tended to evolve into a ‘volume war’. In this article, we explore an alternative vocal emission mode: the whisper. Whispering is a soft tone with a high resonance. It lingers in time and space and challenges the relationship between voice and publicness.

Although many people consider whispering a harmless activity, whispering is very taxing on a person’s voice. Although it might seem harmless, it puts a lot of strain on the vocal folds and can dehydrate the voice.


Silence has many benefits, including a calming effect. It is also important for wildlife. Vertebrates cannot see, but all have hearing. Consequently, silence helps them communicate effectively. This is vital to their survival. Studies have shown that animals in noisy environments suffer lower survival rates.

Anechoic chambers

Anechoic chambers are special rooms that block external sound and internal reflections. The quietness is so high, in fact, that some people find the experience unnerving. They hear things that they wouldn’t usually hear, and they are also prone to hallucinations.

Many products are tested in anechoic chambers to ensure their quality and safety, or for research. For example, companies use anechoic chambers to test the sound levels of products like heart valves, CPAP machines, and cell phones. NASA also uses anechoic chambers to test astronauts’ ability to adapt to space silence.


If you feel that silence is louder than sound, you may have thalassophobia. This type of phobia is a common occurrence that many people have experienced. It is not a serious illness, but it is important to treat your fear with care. If you suffer from thalassophobia, you should consult with a physician who can diagnose the disorder and treat it accordingly. While there is no standardized test for the diagnosis of thalassophobia, doctors will evaluate your symptoms and rule out underlying medical conditions that may be contributing to the disorder. The doctor will then formally diagnose you with this condition. There is no specific treatment for thalassophobia, but researchers assume that it is treated in similar ways to other phobias.

Individuals suffering from thalassophobia experience anxiety and fear of deep water. They may feel nervous before going into water, and they may also experience anticipatory anxiety. The symptoms of thalassophobia can be triggered by the images of deep water, and they can trigger the “fight, flight, or freeze” response in the body. People who suffer from thalassophobia may feel dissociated, have difficulty breathing, and experience other physical symptoms.

Effortlessness of noise

When we hear about noise, we are often bombarded by a variety of sensory messages. The constant background noise of a workplace can cause stress, hinder communication, and interfere with focus. In extreme cases, the noise may even cause accidents. Even if a workplace doesn’t have a loud environment, continuous exposure to loud sounds can be just as dangerous.