Why Does Silence Sound So Loud?

If you’ve ever wondered why silence sounds so loud, then this article is for you. Read on to learn more about the Anechoic chamber, Motion after effect, and Tinnitus. Despite their seemingly unrelated occurrences, these phenomena are related to each other, and each has a very important role to play.

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Anechoic chambers

An anechoic chamber is a room in which sound and electromagnetic waves are absorbed by its walls. It is the quietest place on earth, and it prevents external sound and reflections from entering the chamber. The walls of an anechoic chamber are covered with absorbent wedges, which prevent the reflection of sound. This makes the silence in the chamber very eerie.

People who have been inside anechoic chambers describe the experience as eerie. The silence feels so dense that it is difficult to feel anything, and most people cannot even stand for 15 minutes in such a space. Those who have stayed in the anechoic chamber for a prolonged period report visual and auditory hallucinations, as well as intense uneasiness and discomfort.

A high-quality anechoic chamber is designed to have very low background noise, and it is used for a variety of research. The Orfield Labs chamber in Minneapolis is regarded as the world’s quietest room, and it holds the Guinness World Record for being the quietest room.

In anechoic chambers, the walls are lined with large foam wedges to reduce reflections. The resulting silence makes the listener’s ears feel partially blocked, and it’s impossible to hear the sounds coming from the outside.

Motion after effect

The motion after effect is a phenomenon in which the brain’s response to sound is changed by an object or movement. The effect is not just limited to sound, but can also affect lightness-darkness perception and colour perception. Silence is deafening when the brain has become accustomed to a high level of noise. It also influences how our ears perceive light. The absence of sound sounds much quieter than other silences, making them even more deafening.


Tinnitus is a noise that occurs in the inner ear. Typically, it is associated with loud noises such as music or loud environments. However, it can also occur at very low frequencies. Having tinnitus can be annoying, especially during sleep. The good news is that there are ways to reduce the noise.

One method involves keeping a symptom diary. This helps you understand your tinnitus and find the right treatment. Ideally, you should keep a journal for at least a few weeks. Note down when your symptoms start or stop, and whether they are worse during certain times of day. In addition, you should note down whether you’re exposed to loud noises or caffeine.

For those who suffer from tinnitus, a visit to an audiologist or an ENT doctor can help alleviate the symptoms. A specialist can also help you learn to adapt to the sounds you’re hearing, which can help you relax and reduce your stress. Alternatively, you can try listening to calming sounds, such as those produced by a dehumidifier, aquarium, or an electric fan. Another option is to use a hearing aid.

Tinnitus can result from many causes, but the most common is noise-induced hearing loss. This problem can result from a single intense event or from years of exposure to loud noise. Loud noise damages the hair cells in the inner ear, which cannot be replaced. Studies have shown that 90 percent of tinnitus sufferers have some level of hearing loss. In addition, a buildup of wax in the ear can interfere with your hearing. If you notice a build-up of earwax in your ears, it’s best to see a doctor.