Why Do We Like Loud Music?

Loud music gives us a rush of adrenaline. It’s also associated with macho and manly personas. And it can even help us with depression and anxiety. Despite the health risks, loud music is one of the most popular forms of entertainment in the world. So why do we like it so much?

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It makes us feel good

Loud music is a powerful stimulant, evoking high energy and triggering physical reactions. Understanding why we like loud music can help musicians to make it more entertaining and engaging. It’s also important to be responsible when listening to loud music. It stimulates low frequencies above 90 decibels, which triggers the release of endorphins.

Loud music stimulates the inner ear chakra, which is connected to the pleasure centers in the brain. As a result, it elicits a feeling of pleasure and gratification. However, this gratification plateaus at about 100 decibels. A typical rock concert is 115 decibels, although the front row of a stadium show can experience much higher levels. According to the U.S. Center for Disease Control, prolonged exposure to loud music is dangerous. Exposure to noise levels over 120 decibels is immediately harmful.

It is associated with macho or manly personas

The idea of loud music elicits macho or manly personas in some people. This association is rooted in stereotypes, which are often based on racial identity and respectability politics. For example, the stereotype of the angry black woman is closely related to that of the loud Latina. For women, it is important to be delicate and feminine, and to refrain from being too loud. Moreover, loudness means speaking when you are not being talked to.

It overwhelms the other senses

Loud music overwhelms the other senses, and this can help us focus on a single task. This effect is especially useful if we’re trying to sleep or concentrate on work. Loud music also helps us to focus because it blocks out other stimulants that can distract us.

Loud music releases endorphins, which are brain chemicals that promote happiness. We get a high from loud music because it stimulates our inner ear, which is linked to our pleasure centers. Specifically, our inner ear prefers low-frequency sounds over 90 decibels. Until recently, it was believed that the sacculus had no real purpose, but it now appears to be responsible for the joy we experience when listening to loud music.

It can help with depression and anxiety

Music has a powerful effect on our brains. It increases our memory and improves our learning capabilities. It can also trigger positive emotions, memories, and thoughts, which leads to better mental health. Moreover, music can improve our mood because of its vibrant tones and lyrics.

In addition, it can also help us to deal with anxiety and depression. It works by providing a temporary distraction from these issues. One recent study found that college students who listened to classical music every day for two months exhibited a significant reduction in their levels of anxiety.

It can cause hearing loss

During a loud concert or when listening to ear buds on a mobile phone, we are exposed to extremely loud noises that damage the delicate inner ear and can eventually lead to hearing loss. Loud sounds cause the hair cells in the inner ear to become overworked and eventually destroy themselves. This is why a hearing test may not detect a problem until thirty to fifty percent of the hair cells have already been damaged.

While it is easy to listen to loud music, it can cause permanent damage to your hearing. Constant exposure to loud noises can lead to a loss of hearing, a condition called tinnitus. Loud music can make you lose your hearing or cause ringing in the ears.