Why Are Planes So Loud in the Sky?

Aircraft noise pollution is a real problem that can affect your health in many ways. It can affect your sleep, cause cardiovascular problems, and even cause sleep disorders. The following article will discuss the causes and effects of airplane noise pollution. It will also address how the noise can affect your health.

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Aircraft noise pollution causes sleep disorders

While the impact of aircraft noise on sleep is well documented, the question of whether aircraft noise causes sleep disorders remains unclear. A number of studies have been conducted to investigate the possible links between aircraft noise and sleep disorders. However, the size of the sample populations is too small to determine whether aircraft noise is the cause of sleep disturbance. Some of these studies use self-reports, but this approach may not be as accurate as it should be.

The results of one study suggested that aircraft noise may contribute to the development of sleep disorders. The participants in the aircraft noise exposure group had significantly higher ISI scores and ESS scores than the control group. In addition, the subjects who were exposed to aircraft noise had higher odds of developing insomnia than the group who was not exposed to aircraft noise.

Cardiovascular problems

According to a new study, older people who live near airports and Autobahns may be at an increased risk for cardiovascular diseases. The researchers found that zip codes with higher aircraft noise had a 3.5% higher cardiovascular hospitalization rate. The study is the first to estimate the link between residential aircraft noise and cardiovascular hospitalizations. It used data from airports across the country and a nationally representative group of people aged 65 and over.

Previous research has linked traffic noise to cardiovascular disease and hearing loss. It has also been flagged as a major physiological stressor – second only to air pollution – and is on par with radon and second-hand smoke in the list of potential toxins. Now, there is a growing body of evidence linking traffic noise to cardiovascular illnesses, and scientists are beginning to discover the exact mechanisms at work.

Engine noise

The noise plane engines make is caused by the turbulence that occurs in the engine. Turbulence occurs when the high-velocity air leaving the nozzle hits the lower-velocity outside air. This amplification amplifies the noise and increases its volume. This phenomenon has been perplexing scientists since antiquity. In fact, turbulence has the potential to create strikingly ordered acoustic fields.

The noise from aircraft is generally not audible in urban areas, since they are flying at high altitudes. In contrast, the noise from descending planes is quite noticeable. This is because airplane engines are nearly at full power during this part of the flight.


The loud noise that airplanes make in the sky is caused by the sound waves that they produce. The sound waves are created by the engines in a plane and they travel upwards. As a result, people who are downwind of a plane will hear the noise. However, people who are on the ground will hear a smaller amount of noise.

Whether you can hear planes in the sky depends on the weather and the height of the plane. The colder the weather, the louder the airplane noise is. The sound travels farther through cold air.