Why Are Electric Kettles So Loud?

Whether you are trying to wake up in the morning or just looking for a cup of coffee to start your day, a hot cup of coffee is a great way to get started. A kettle is a great way to heat water, but it can be noisy. The noise is amplified by the surface on which the kettle rests. Here are a few things to keep in mind:

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Tea cozies

Tea cozies are little blankets that fit over the base of an electric kettle. They are often made of wool and reduce the transfer of heat to the kettle while also absorbing noise. They add character to any kitchen and can even be purchased online. Tea cozies come in a variety of colours, designs, and styles. Using one is not only a great way to reduce noise, but it will also help keep the water hotter longer.

Electric kettles can make a lot of noise, but they’re not the only culprits. Old kettles can also be loud. Tea cozies can help reduce noise, as can removing limescale with citric acid or vinegar. Lemon juice can also reduce noise from electric kettles.

Air bubbles

An electric kettle’s loud noise can be attributed to air bubbles that float up to the surface of the water. These bubbles are created by the vaporization of water. As the temperature changes, the bubbles lose their energy and collapse. This creates powerful shockwaves. These bubbles then exit the cavity and generate noise. This process is known as cavitation.

Air bubbles form when water is heated to a high temperature. Water that is cold will not produce as much sound because of the change in viscosity. Hot water, on the other hand, is hotter than cold water and produces a higher pitch sound.


If you have a kettle that is becoming increasingly loud, it could be due to limescale build up on the heating element. Limescale reduces the area of the heating element that can heat water and increases the risk of cavitation. This build-up is hard to remove through scrubbing alone. To completely remove limescale, you will need to use chemical solutions to dissolve it. After that, you should rinse your kettle thoroughly.

Alternatively, you can use a filter to reduce the build-up of limescale on your kettle. Some people choose to buy Brita water filters, which are more expensive and take up more space. Regardless of which filter you buy, make sure that it is designed to reduce the build-up of limescale. This will prevent the kettle from overheating and reduce its efficiency.

Power consumption

It may seem surprising to hear that electric kettles are so loud, but the truth is that some models are almost as loud as power tools. A consumer watchdog group studied the decibel levels of popular models, and found that some models were up to 95 decibels loud – louder than a lawnmower or vacuum cleaner. According to a survey from the Energy Saving Trust, about 95 per cent of households use a kettle at least once a day, with 40 percent of households boiling water at least five times a day. This sounds like a lot, but the truth is that a household kettle uses nine billion litres of water per year, more than the total amount consumed by a shower or a toilet.

The noise generated by electric kettles is due to the process by which heat is transferred to the water. This process involves a high-current passing through the electric element, which heats the water molecules through convection and conduction. As a result, a bubble of hot water forms around the electric element, and tries to expand away from it. However, as it expands, it loses heat to the surrounding water. This process is called cavitation, and the resulting bubbles then pop, producing a hissing sound.


The reason that an electric kettle makes a noise is because the water is boiling, and the air inside the kettle is at a lower temperature than the air outside. As the water heats up, the air inside the kettle expands, and the pressure inside the kettle also increases, creating the noise. Once the water is fully boiled, the sound stops.

To reduce the noise generated by an electric kettle, you can buy a tea cozie, which is usually made of wool and absorbs sound waves. Tea cozies can also add a touch of style to the kitchen. You can also apply a rubberized undercoat, which was originally developed to protect cars against rust, and you can purchase it at Amazon or other online stores.