Is it Normal to Hear a Noise When You Swallow?

A noise that you hear when you swallow may be a symptom of a number of different health problems. Your doctor can examine you to find out the cause and suggest a treatment. Depending on your cause, your doctor may recommend TMJ, orofacial myofunctional therapy, or frenectomy.

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Inflammation of the eustachian tube

Inflammation of the eustachians tube when swallowing is a common condition, and can occur as a result of various causes. The most common cause is a common cold, which can cause swelling of the lining of the tube. This can lead to earache and stuffy nose. Regardless of the cause, symptoms can be temporary or persist for weeks. A doctor may use a variety of diagnostic tools to help diagnose the condition. They may ask the patient to swallow to observe the eardrum’s response to sound or use specialized tools to measure pressure inside the tube.

A blockage in the Eustachian tube can also cause problems when swallowing. A blockage will cause trapped air to build up and create a negative pressure, which will push the eardrum inward. As the eardrum is a thin, densely innervated sheet of plastic, this can cause pain, pressure, and even hearing loss. Long-term blockage of the Eustachian tube can also result in a buildup of fluid, which will ultimately lead to a middle ear infection.

Nasal congestion

When a person swallows, air enters the middle ear through the back of the nose. This air passes through a tube called the Eustachian tube, which is lined with membranous tissue. The membranous lining continuously absorbs air and replenishes it, resulting in a steady flow of air in and out of the middle ear. This constant flow of air equalizes the pressure in the middle ear.

If a person has nasal congestion, he or she will hear a noise when swallowing. This noise may be caused by dust, pollution, or anatomical obstruction. While the body normally produces a quart of mucus daily, when the mucus is thick and viscous, it could indicate that there is an underlying infection or obstruction. The use of antihistamines such as Mucinex may help thin the mucus and relieve the discomfort caused by nasal congestion.


If you hear a noise in your mouth while chewing, yawning, or moving your jaw, it could be a sign that you have TMJ, or temporomandibular joint disorder. This disorder affects the jaw joints, which work together to open and close your mouth. This joint provides you with range of motion, but if it’s not working properly, the joint can cause a clicking, popping, or grating sound.

TMJ can also cause tinnitus, a ringing or buzzing sound in the ears. The noise can be caused by impacted earwax, which your ENT doctor can help remove. It can also be a sign of Meniere’s disease, an inner ear disorder that has no cure. It may also cause headaches and dizziness.

Inflammation of the hyoid bone

The symptoms of inflammation of the hyoid bone while swallowing are usually accompanied by severe neck pain on one side of the neck. The patient also complains of difficulty swallowing. Physical examination reveals tenderness over the right chin and the entire right side of the maxilla. He also has tenderness over the left side of the hyoid bone. Physical examination also reveals blunt traumatic injuries.

Although rare, this syndrome is often difficult to diagnose and treat. The symptoms are not specific and often overlap with other disorders. In some cases, the condition is accompanied by senility. Inflammation of the hyoid bone during swallowing may also result from trauma to other muscles in the pharynx. Surgical treatment is a potential treatment option.

Clicking hyoid bone

A click or clicking sound in the throat can be a symptom of a hyoid bone abnormality, which is a challenging condition to diagnose and treat. Its nonspecific symptoms and subjective findings may make diagnosis difficult, and it is essential to seek appropriate medical advice. This case report describes a young patient who presented to a hospital with a clicking sound when swallowing. She was diagnosed with a clicking hyoid bone anomaly, which was treated surgically.

This condition is usually associated with neck pain and localized pain. Surgical treatment for the condition has been successful in many cases. The most common cause is a medial displacement of the thyroid cartilage or a displaced cornu superior of the hyoid bone.

Throat gurgles

The gurgling sound that occurs when you swallow can be a very unnerving experience. It may be due to a number of conditions, such as GERD or dysphagia. In most cases, the noise is temporary and not harmful. However, if you regularly hear this noise, you should visit your doctor.

In some cases, the gurgling can wake you up at night. It is characterized by an up-and-down motion, similar to a soap bubble rising up into the air and settling at the esophagus. Sometimes, this sound may be accompanied by an ironic sound that accompanies the process.


If you’re worried that you’re making a noise when swallowing, you’re not alone. The noise you hear may be a sign of a health condition. You may also hear a noise when you’re swallowing water or a straw. These changes in swallowing are caused by changes in your middle ear structure. These changes push air up the back of your mouth and nose, causing a clicking sound. However, the noise may also be caused by other problems.

You might hear a noise when swallowing if you have a problem with your eustachian tube. When you swallow, air enters the middle ear through the Eustachian tube, which is a membrane-lined tube connecting the back of your nose and middle ear. Air is constantly replenished through the tube, which helps equalize air pressure.