How to Quiet High School Students

One of the best ways to calm your noisy high school students is to use stand-and-talk exercises. You can also use music, heavy work, or picture books as a distraction. Try one or all of these exercises and see which one works best for you.

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If none of these methods work, try another one. Whatever works for you, just remember to keep trying until you’ve mastered it. This method works wonders for your students and you’ll be surprised by the results.

Stand and Talks

When teaching math to quiet high school students, one of the best ways to increase student participation is to try using a method known as Stand and Talks. During this activity, students walk around the room and find a new partner to talk to. Music can also be played to encourage students to talk, and it is proven to increase energy levels and stimulate creativity. After all, walking around the room can give students more energy and help them think more creatively.

One way to engage quiet high school students is to offer them options. For example, they can choose to participate in a team activity or compete against another group. For example, if a table wins, the winning team earns a prize, such as free time. Or, they can compete against the teacher and earn points for remaining quiet. Either way, the point system is the same. If a student stays quiet for a short period of time, they earn a point, and if they talk out of turn, they lose a point.


The study of human behavior found that music can quiet high school students. Music helps young people identify and understand emotions. The John Hopkins School of Education outlines a number of ways to incorporate music into the classroom and provides suggestions for appropriate music for various settings. However, despite the numerous benefits of music for high school students, some of these benefits may outweigh the potential downsides. A brief summary of the most effective music for high school students is provided below.

One technique to quiet high school students is to play background music during the beginning of a class. It helps set the mood by allowing students to focus on the task at hand. Teachers can play relaxing music as students come into the classroom, and then turn the music off when the class is officially starting. Other teachers may play a short guided meditation to music as a transition. Students should be made aware that music is meant for quiet time and not as a place to hang out.

Heavy work

Heavy work activities can quiet high school students and help them develop self-regulation skills. These activities can be designed to meet individual developmental needs and should directly relate to the student’s placement. Parents can download heavy work activities and print them out for their child to try. If you find that your child is having trouble focusing, try providing heavy work activities. Then, monitor the student’s response and enjoyment. Incorporate a little heavy work into each class session.

Children with sensory processing disorders can benefit from heavy work activities as well. They can engage in activities that challenge their body to the same level as heavy-duty tasks. Activities that require heavy work can be as simple as carrying objects from one teacher to another. During circle time, students can lift soft weights while doing heavy work. Another way to implement heavy work activities is to include them in bedtime routines. Children can do wall push-ups ten times. This activity also increases the amount of attention they pay.

Picture books

The use of picture books in education has several advantages for students, including building background knowledge and visual literacy, promoting critical thinking, and stimulating student interest in reading. In addition, they offer different learning pathways. These benefits make picture books one of the most overlooked resources for engaging students in reading. While many educators feel that picture books should be left out of the classroom, the contents of these books suggest otherwise. Listed below are some tips for teachers on how to use picture books effectively in the classroom.

Use picture books to engage students in discussion about difficult concepts. The illustrations and story will draw them in and help them develop critical thinking and empathy. Often, students can act out the story while reading a book by making up voices for each item. If you’re having a difficult time getting a high school student to focus, you can use picture books to provide a peaceful, quiet environment for students to think and learn.

Creating discussion groups with only quiet students

Creating discussion groups with only quiet high school student members can have several advantages. These groups are inclusive, offer fewer chances for competition, and are less intimidating for quiet students. Here are some tips for facilitating these groups. Keep in mind that a few of the rules below may not work for everyone. If you are unsure, consider these suggestions to make your discussion groups work for everyone. You may have to experiment with different methods to find the best method for your class.

The first step in engaging students with different personalities is to give them opportunities to express themselves. When creating a discussion group, give your students options to contribute to the discussion. Stand and Talks are excellent examples of this, as they break up the usual student group dynamic and offer options for presenting and talking. Make sure to check in with your quieter students one-on-one to encourage them to participate. Some students may not be comfortable sharing their thoughts, so give them the opportunity to participate anyway.

Using calming music

Using calming music to quiet high schoolers can be effective in a variety of ways. Background music sets the tone for the class; teachers can start the day with the music, turn it off as students arrive, and have students listen as they work on math problems. During quiet times, students may find it helpful to read a book or do a math problem to keep themselves quiet. A calming song can help students concentrate on the teacher, rather than the distractions in the classroom.

You can also create playlists to play in the classroom. Using calming music helps high school students recognize and understand different emotions. A comprehensive overview of ways to integrate music into the classroom is provided by the John Hopkins School of Education, along with suggestions for different situations. In addition to music selections, teachers should also consider the age and mood of their students. For example, a student may need to calm down to do their work, or feel anxious.