How to Quiet Guinea Fowl

If you live in an area with limited human contact, you may be wondering how to quiet guinea fowll. The first thing you need to know is that guinea fowl are not intelligent. As a result, they are easily triggered and squawk at almost any external stimulus. To help reduce noise, consider raising your guineas with chickens.

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Keeping guinea fowl in a rural area

If you have guinea fowl in your yard, you may be wondering how to quiet them. These noisy birds can make quite a nuisance when they are startled. While they are not particularly intelligent, they do interpret sounds as predators, and they will scream to warn other flock members that they are present. If you want to get some peace and quiet, you should consider raising guineas with chicks. This will help to minimize pecking order problems.

Guinea fowl are hardy, and their long lifespan makes them ideal poultry birds. The bird is not prone to many common poultry diseases. They also reduce the risk of Lyme disease because they eat deer ticks. They also eat slugs and snakes, making them an excellent poultry choice. While they are hardy and have a long lifespan, they are also relatively easy to raise.

Keeping guineas will help control your tick population. Although their large size can be a nuisance, they will help keep ticks under control. Besides, guineas are known for being excellent pest controllers, killing small rodents and mice. As they do not scratch or disturb plants, they will also discourage mice and other pests from invading your property.

Feeding guinea fowl commercial poultry diet

A good way to keep guinea fowl quiet is to restrict their view. When they are young, male guinea fowl make a loud alarm call. This calls can be hard to describe, but you can listen to the guinea fowl’s alarm call at the Chicago Zoological Society website. The calls are often very distressing to people who are attempting to raise the bird.

For the first part of feeding your guinea fowl, you can buy a commercial poultry feed. This will contain a high calorific value, making it more nutritious than commercial poultry feed. The grit and shell mixture is similar to what chickens eat and is very important for digestion. Safflower seeds are a good choice as they are similar to sunflower seeds and do not require shelling. Sunflower seeds are best purchased shelled and husked.

As the name implies, guineas are game birds. They can be aggressive or skittish as adults. They are also strong flyers, but this makes them vulnerable to predators. You can use this trait to your advantage by keeping them in a coop or a large run that has room for a dust bath. And if you want your chickens to remain calm and peaceful, give them a variety of toys and a mirror so that they can view themselves and each other.

Clipping one wing

If you want your guinea fowl to stay quiet, clipping one of its wings might be an option. Unlike chickens, the feathers of guineas have no nerves, so they will not feel pain when you clip one of them. But be prepared to be scratched and kicked by your bird as you work on its wing. Not only will you be preventing your bird from flying away, but you will be limiting its ability to perch during the night.

Guinea fowl are known for their loud warning calls. The sound of their calls can scare away cats, ferrets, weasels, and even hawks. However, guinea fowl do not pose a threat to humans. Instead, they are a good source of entertainment. Clipping one wing can help your pet to be quieter.

Another benefit of clipping one wing to quiet guinefowl is that you can keep them from flying off and becoming late night dinner for a predator. Fortunately, guinea fowl feathers regrow between eight and ten weeks before they cease laying in September. But it is important to note that clipping one wing only will not affect the bird’s ability to fly, and clipping it too short can be harmful to the bird.