Fixes For Xbox Ones That Make High-Pitch Static Noise When Off

You just played a competitive game on Xbox One with friends and after a haranguing session, you just want to chill and have some rest. And then out of the blue, you suddenly hear a high-pitch static noise coming from your console when you turned it off. 

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Playing was fun but this annoying sound is far from one, especially when all you wanted to do was chill after an intense game. 

Don’t worry, because we have the solution for you. 

In this article, we will explore some of the most effective fixes for Xbox Ones that make high-pitch static noise when off. 

Whether it’s a simple software update or a hardware adjustment, we’ll guide you through the steps to resolve this issue once and for all. 

Don’t let a pesky noise ruin your gaming sessions – read on to discover how to silence that static and get back to enjoying your Xbox One to the fullest.

Fixes For Xbox Ones That Make High-Pitch Static Noise When Off 1

Understanding the Causes of the High-Pitch Static Noise

Before we dive into the fixes, it’s important to understand what causes the high-pitch static noise on Xbox Ones when they are turned off. 

This noise can be attributed to a few different factors, including electrical interference, faulty cables, or even a software glitch.

By identifying the root cause, you’ll be better equipped to apply the appropriate solution.

Electrical interference is one of the most common causes of high-pitch static noise. 

It can occur when the console’s power supply is not properly grounded or when there are nearby electronic devices emitting electromagnetic radiation. 

Faulty cables, such as HDMI or power cables, can also contribute to this issue. 

Finally, a software glitch or outdated firmware can result in audio malfunctions, including high-pitch static noise. 

Now that we have a better understanding of the possible causes, let’s explore some troubleshooting steps to fix the problem.

Common Troubleshooting Steps to Fix the Issue

Before diving into specific fixes, it’s worth trying some common troubleshooting steps that can often resolve audio-related issues on the Xbox One. 

These steps are quick and easy to perform, so they’re a good starting point before moving on to more advanced solutions.

Power cycle your Xbox One

Power cycling can often resolve various audio-related issues, and it’s a good starting point for fixing the high-pitch static noise on your Xbox One.

To power cycle your Xbox One, follow these steps:

  1. Completely shut down your console.
  2. Unplug the power cable from the back of the console and the power source.
  3. Wait for at least 10 seconds.
  4. Plug the power cable back into the console and the power source.
  5. Turn on your Xbox One and check if the high-pitch static noise is gone.

Update your console’s firmware

Outdated firmware can cause audio malfunctions, including high-pitch static noise. 

The good news is, Microsoft regularly releases updates that address various bugs and performance issues, including audio-related problems. 

Follow these steps to update your console’s firmware:

  1. Turn on your Xbox One and sign in to your account.
  2. Go to the settings menu by pressing the Xbox button on your controller.
  3. Navigate to the “System” tab and select “Settings.”
  4. In the settings menu, select “System” and then “Updates & downloads.”
  5. If there are any available updates, download and install them.
  6. Once the updates are installed, restart your Xbox One and check if the high-pitch static noise is resolved.

Updating the firmware can often fix software-related audio issues, so it’s worth giving this fix a try.

Adjusting the audio settings on your Xbox One 

This can help eliminate static noise. Sometimes, incorrect audio settings can cause audio distortions, including high-pitch static noise. 

Follow these steps:

  1. Turn on your Xbox One and sign in to your account.
  2. Press the Xbox button on your controller to open the guide.
  3. Navigate to the “System” tab and select “Settings.”
  4. In the settings menu, select “Display & sound” and then “Audio output.”
  5. Check if the “HDMI audio” setting is properly configured. If you’re using HDMI for audio output, ensure that the correct HDMI audio option is selected.
  6. If you’re using a headset or external speakers, ensure that the audio output settings are correctly configured for your specific setup.
  7. Save the changes and check if the high-pitch static noise is gone.

Fix 3: Adjusting Audio Settings on the Xbox One

Incorrect audio settings can sometimes cause audio distortions, including the high-pitch static noise. This fix involves adjusting the audio settings on your Xbox One to eliminate the static noise. 

Adjusting the audio settings can often resolve audio-related issues, so make sure to properly configure the settings on your Xbox One.

Fixes For Xbox Ones That Make High-Pitch Static Noise When Off 2

Other fixes

If the common troubleshooting steps didn’t resolve the issue, it’s time to move on to more specific fixes.

Fix 1: Checking and Replacing Faulty Cables

Faulty cables, such as HDMI or power cables, can contribute to audio malfunctions, including high-pitch static noise. 

This fix involves checking your cables for any signs of damage and replacing them if necessary.

Follow these steps:

  1. Turn off your Xbox One and unplug all the cables from the console and the TV.
  2. Inspect the cables for any visible damage, such as frayed wires or bent connectors.
  3. If you notice any damage, replace the cables with new ones that are compatible with your Xbox One.
  4. Once the new cables are connected, turn on your Xbox One and check if the high-pitch static noise is resolved.

Fix 2: Performing a Factory Reset on the Console

If none of the previous fixes worked, performing a factory reset on your Xbox One can often resolve persistent audio issues. 

Keep in mind that a factory reset will erase all your data and settings, so make sure to back up any important data before proceeding. 

Follow these steps to perform a factory reset:

  1. Press the Xbox button on your controller to open the guide.
  2. Navigate to the “System” tab and select “Settings.”
  3. In the settings menu, select “System” and then “Console info.”
  4. Select “Reset console” and choose the “Reset and remove everything” option.
  5. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the factory reset.
  6. Once the reset is complete, set up your Xbox One again and check if the high-pitch static noise is gone.

Fix 3: Contacting Xbox Support for Further Assistance

If none of the previous fixes resolved the high-pitch static noise on your Xbox One, it’s time to reach out to Xbox support for further assistance. 

Microsoft’s support team can provide you with personalized guidance and help you troubleshoot the issue in more detail. 

Contact Xbox support through their website, chat support, or phone support to get the necessary help.